Which Type Of Treatment Is Best For Piles?

Which Type Of Treatment Is Best For Piles?

Choosing the right piles treatment is important to help prevent recurring piles. Pile treatment can take the form of a surgical procedure or medication. Surgery is the most effective method but is also the most invasive. While it can cure the condition, it can also lead to complications such as infection and scarring. If you are considering piles treatment, it is best to talk to a piles specialist in Dubai to determine the best option.


Suppositories are a type of treatment that is used to ease pain, itching, and discomfort. Some doctors may recommend steroids to reduce the pain. You can also find relief with bland, smooth ointment. These treatments will not cure piles but will help ease the symptoms. You can use sitz baths to help ease the itchiness. You can also use a suppository after every bowel movement.

Sigmoidoscopy test:

A sigmoidoscopy test is another way to diagnose piles. The doctor inserts a small fiber-optic camera into the rectum. This allows the physician to see the blood vessels and arteries that are swollen and cause piles.

Ultrasound probe:

A doctor can also use an ultrasound probe to pinpoint the arteries. This is particularly useful in cases where the surgeon does not want to do open surgery.


The most common piles treatment is surgery. In some cases, a general practitioner will prescribe suppositories to be placed into the anus after each bowel movement. This will reduce the amount of blood in the piles.


Some people with external piles also experience a lot of bleeding. This can be painful when you go to the bathroom. A thrombectomy, which involves cutting a blood clot, is another treatment. A surgeon will not do an open surgery in these situations.


Other methods include sclerotherapy, injecting an oily solution into the piles. Infrared coagulation, which uses infrared light to cut the blood supply, is another treatment.

Laser treatment:

Some of the more advanced methods of piles treatment involve lasers. This is especially helpful in treating prolapsed piles. A laser is a less invasive way of treating the disease and can be very successful. 

Ear healthy diet:

You can also treat your piles with exercise and eating a healthy diet. This will decrease the inflammation in the anal area and help you feel better.